Notice Regarding the registration Process
It is notified for the information to all concerned that for the purpose of the registration process, Students of the B.A./B.SC./B.COM Semester I,2024(Under CCF, 2022) have to submit all the required information accurately by entering the specified link on Budge Budge College website. It is mandatory for their registration process under University of Calcutta.
Students have to select their IDC subjects, AEC subjects and provide their ABC ID along with other information.The information must be provided in the "FORM FOR REGISTRATION" link on the Budge Budge College website This link will be open from 07.10.2024 to 19.10.2024.
Extreme care should be taken while filling the said form.Once the form is filled, it cannot be changed later.
College will not be responsible for registration in the University of Calcutta for any first semnester students who does not fill the above form.